

Who I Am


Currently working at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a Senior Backend Software Engineer for Engineering Analysis Subsystems. Designed and implemented Python libraries and Python Flask Web Servers to integrate with downlinked data from the M2020 Rover and Psyche Spacecraft. These software systems allow users to organize and dynamically analyze critical mission data from the spacecraft. Senior Backend Engineer responsible for designing and building.

Senior Developer of Python Libraries for Europa Clipper Flight System Performance Analysis. These libraries support the integration of uplink and downlink data to streamline spacecraft data analysis processes. The design focuses on building resilient solutions interfacing with various internal APIs and integrating SQL with GraphQL

Lead Backend Engineer and Database Architect for the Integrated Modeling Environment. Designed and developed REST APIs and additional microservices that facilitate mathematically modeling and designing spacecraft by allowing connected users to collaborate in workspaces and share changes real-time via web sockets. Built using Python, Node.js, React.js. Uses ArangoDB as a datastore.

Co-creator of a web application that allows engineers to design and 3D model small satellites (CubeSats). This application was approved for licensing. Built using Python, Node.js, Polymer.js and Unity WebGL. Uses MongoDB as a datastore.

I'm also a guest lecturer at California State University Los Angeles where I teach Computer Sciences courses for Web Application Design & Development.

On rare occasions and for the right project, I freelance.

  • Masters Degree in Computer Science
  • Los Angeles, CA
What I Do


  • Senior Backend Software Engineer

    12+ years of developing JavaScript with an in-depth knowledge of ES6. Experienced with integrating TypeScript into various projects. 9+ years of building Node.js Servers, Command Line Interfaces and Custom Node Modules. Experienced with architecting REST APIs and websocket applications. 7+ years of Python experience with versions 2.7 and 3+ for building Custom Libraries and working with Flask Web Servers.

  • Database Architect

    Architected and Designed multiple databases systems by evaluating requirements, identifying structural necessities and then implementing effective solutions to store and retrieve data. Integrated applications with various databases such as MongoDB, MySQL, ElasticSearch and ArangoDB.

  • Test Driven Development

    Knowledgeable and experienced with Test Driven Development (TDD) methodology. Continuously use and practice TDD throughout the development life-cycle. Experienced with several testing frameworks such as Mocha, Jest, and Tox.